Greeley, Horace, letter, Eve. Journal office, New York, May 10, 1854, to George Dawson [?], Esq., Albany, [N.Y.]
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New York
May 10, 1854
My Old Friend,
Peter Still, who will hand you this, was born free in New Jersey; kidnapped thence when six years old, with his brother, two years older, and sold into slavery; served forty years in Alabama; finally bought himself free, leaving his wife and four children in the hands of the scoundrels who had robbed him of forty year's work; and he is now begging more to buy them out of bondage. His chivalrous robber [?] asks him $5,000 for his own wife and children. It is robbery to buy it, but inhumane to refuse; and as the time has not yet arrived for facing such villains with ball and steel rather [than] gold, I wish you could help him raise a[?] host[?] of the many among those you know.
Horace Greeley
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May 10 '54