Pickard, Kate E.R., letter, [May? 1855], to [William?] Still
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There are certain points in the history of Peter's father and mother a knowledge of which is necessary to the complete narrative of the story She probably remembers them. If she does, will some of the friends please send me in writing answers to the following questions
How much did Peter's father pay for himself and what is the date of his free papers? (a copy of those papers would be interesting)
How long had he been married when he purchased his freedom? How many children had he at that time?
What was his employment when a slave?
What after he became free?
How long after receiving his free papers did he remain in the neighborhood of his former master? What time in the year did he & his wife first flee.
In what employment was Peter's mother engaged while a slave?
How old was Mahala when the mother first fled? How old was her sister Nancy that accompanied her?
How long after they escaped before they were captured? Where were they found? What doing? Treatment afterward?
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Where was the father when she & the children were found taken ?
In what state did she find her cabin on her return? How long had she been gone?
How long before she made the second effort?
Did she hear from her husband?
Circumstances of the second flight?
Did she go directly to her husband?
How long before they removed to their present residence?
Circumstances of the escape of the two sisters of Sydney?
Meeting of the sisters afterwards - when and where?
Did Peter's mother in her second flight take the same road as at first?
How long was she in reaching her husband?
Did she travel by day? If not how was she concealed? Was she questioned on the route?
Was Aunt Elsie married before she fled? If so what became of her family?
Any other points of interest that may be
recollected by the older members of the family
will be gratefully received by
Kate E. R. Pickard