Still, Catharine, letter, Onondaga Valley, N.Y., February 17, 1861, to "My Dear father" [Peter Still]
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Onondaga valley Ny
Feb 17th 1861
My Dear father
Your letter was received and very welcome was it for I had [looked] with all the eyes I had to see the object before it came the day your letter came was the coldest day we had have had this winter that was wednesday week[?]. that week you [cannot imagine] what a cold week that was but now we have plenty of snow but not so cold as it was in [two] weeks from now we will have [vacation] which will be in march Mrs Pickard wanted me to visit her in that time but I cannot it is [too] cold last fall I got me a pair of calf skin shoes some thing that would suit you and I find them very useful indeed tell Mother that I find that net sack that she wanted me to give away very useful I wrote to you some time ago I ask about my skirt but you did not it tell me any thing about it I shall write a little note for Alice and put it in with yours I am glad to [hear] you are doing well you will do better if you will write to me once every week did you ever get that book from St Stockton if not do get it it[Page: 2]
did you ever get that change from uncle William if not [attend] to it for me I consider it best in your pocket give my love to all write me all the news do you know Mr Loyin in Syracuse a a [colored] man in Syracuse he says he knew you very well he promised to come to see me
no more write soon to your
Catharine Still
onondaga valley
Still, Catharine, letter, Onondaga Valley, N.Y., February 17, 1861, to "My Dear father" [Peter Still]
Catharine Still acknowledges the receipt of a letter from her father (Peter Still); comments on the cold weather, including as a reason for not visiting Mrs. Pickard; notes that she will enclose a separate note [not present] for Alice; and asks questions, in part about items that her father was to get (including from "uncle William").
Special Collections and University Archives, Rutgers University Libraries
public domain
2 p.
Still, Catharine, “Still, Catharine, letter, Onondaga Valley, N.Y., February 17, 1861, to "My Dear father" [Peter Still],” Peter Still Digital Edition, accessed September 13, 2024,