Still, W[illia]m, letter, Anti Slavery Office, Philadelphia, December 18, 1852, to Bro. [Peter Still]


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Philadelphia Anti Slavery Office

Dec. 18th 1852

My Dear Bro.

I have received, this evening, through the Rev. Samuel J. May of Syracuse, a letter from you, informing me of your whereabouts etc. I was very glad to hear from you especially as I had heard nothing from your since you started out, on your Mission.

You [were] fortunate in falling into the hands of the Rev. S. J. May. He is a true friend of the bondman, and will no doubt be of great service to you.

I often think about you, and most ardently hope you will succeed in rescuing your wife & children from the hands of the tyrant who now holds them. But the price demanded to redeem them, is so monstrously unrighteous. I must confess to you, that I am some times led almost to despair in reference to your accomplishing the object [sought]. But you must not be discouraged - persevere hope on, and the difficulties may yet all be overcome.

As I never told you definitively

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how much money I have thought might be raised in Philadelphia, I will do so now. My private opinion is, that $1000 may be raised providing your efforts in N.J. and the East shall prove [encouraging]. I hold myself ready for $50 out of my own little purse.

Enclosed you will find Mr. [McKiernan's] letter. As to Seth Conklin's letters, the Rev. W. H. Furness, [has] them in his possession at this time. He is now writing out some of Mr. Conklin's most indescribably thrilling adventures &c.; however I shall probably see him in the course of a day or two and I will get the one you sent for & mail it to you.

Please write to me soon & let me hear how you have succeeded and what your hopes and prospects are.

Our Anti Slavery Fair closed last evening, consequently [today] finds me very busy, so you must excuse me for not writing more at length.

Our folks in this city – Across[?] in in N.J. are were all well when I last heard from them which was recently.

Your Affectionate Bro.

Wm Still



Still, W[illia]m, letter, Anti Slavery Office, Philadelphia, December 18, 1852, to Bro. [Peter Still]


William Still states that he has received news of the recipient, Peter Still, through the latter’s letter sent via the Rev. Samuel J. May (whom William regards as likely to be of great service in efforts to free Peter’s enslaved family members); confesses that he nearly despairs over the formidable task that Peter has set for himself in securing their freedom; provides an opinion of the amount of money that might be raised for this purpose in Philadelphia; encloses a letter [not present] from Mr. McKeirnon [sic]; notes that the Seth Conklin letters, one of which Peter requested, are at present with the Rev. W.H. Furness (who is writing up some of Conklin’s adventures [in the unsuccessful attempt to bring Peter’s family to freedom]); and reports that their mutual family members are well.


Special Collections and University Archives, Rutgers University Libraries




public domain


2 p.




Still, William, 1821-1902, “Still, W[illia]m, letter, Anti Slavery Office, Philadelphia, December 18, 1852, to Bro. [Peter Still],” Peter Still Digital Edition, accessed July 27, 2024,

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