Still, William, letter, Anti Slavery Office, Philadelphia, April 29, 1853, to E. Gray Loring, Esq.


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Philadelphia Anti Slavery Office

April 29th 1853

Dear Sir.

Through the [advice] of Wm I.[?] Bowditch, Esq. of Boston, I take the liberty of addressing you a few lines in relation to my Bro. Peter.

I am exceedingly desirous to learn for the satisfaction of many of Peter's friends as well as my own, how he is succeeding in raising money: the amount he has collected; his propects, plans, etc., etc., would afford us much satisfaction to know something about them.

Please tell Peter to write to me at once, as it may be of much importance to him.

Rev. Wm H. Furness has been kind enough to write out the Narrative of Seth Conklin whose life was sacrificed in striving to secure the liberation of Peter's family. The narrative, of course, [embraces] the particulars connected with the escape & capture of Peter's family – hence it will not do to publish it until P.'s family are redeemed. It is exceedingly thrilling & interesting. Mr J. M. McKim embarks for England tomorrow, taking a mss. copy of the narrative

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along with him where it is to be hoped he will be able to do much for P. by presenting his case &c.

I will say, briefly, that we are now under the impression that P.'s family can be had for $3000 – instead of $5000 – as demanded by their inhuman owner. The plan is to get a man in the South to purchase them, at their ordinary market price. In this hope we have been quite encourraged, having already succeeded in finding a gentleman, in this City, who has an agent in the very County wherein P.'s family live. This gentleman (Mr. D. B. Birrney, son of James G. Birney) is very sanguine that the object can be very readily accomplished, and without any charge on his part, or his agent all that is needed is the money, to purchase them.

Mr. Birney is connected with "Goodridge & Co's Law, [Mercantile], and Collecting Agency's" office in this city; consequently we feel it to be almost providential that we come [across] him.

Please do me the favour to write soon, as I am under an obligation to Mr. M Kim to send him any information that I may receive from you, [touching] my Bro. &e.

Your Obedient Servant

Wm Still

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April 29.
William Still



Still, William, letter, Anti Slavery Office, Philadelphia, April 29, 1853, to E. Gray Loring, Esq.


William Still inquires about Peter's Still's fundraising efforts; requests that Peter be asked to contact him at once; notes that a narrative regarding Seth Conklin and the escape and capture of Peter's family members has been written by the Rev. Wm. H. Furness (but should not be published while they remain enslaved); that a Mr. J.M. McKim has taken a copy of the Conklin narrative to England; and relates how and why it appears that Peter's family can be purchased for the market price of 3,000 dollars, instead of the demanded 5,000 dollars, through the efforts of a Mr. D[avid]. B. Birney of Philadelphia who has an agent in the correct Alabama county.


Special Collections and University Archives, Rutgers University Libraries




public domain


2 p.




Still, William, 1821-1902, “Still, William, letter, Anti Slavery Office, Philadelphia, April 29, 1853, to E. Gray Loring, Esq.,” Peter Still Digital Edition, accessed October 22, 2024,

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