May, Samuel J., letter, Syracuse, N.Y., June 8, 1853, to Dr. Joseph Parrish, Burlington, New Jersey
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New Jersey.
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Syracuse, N.Y.
June 8th
Dear Sir
A few days ago I received a letter from my friend William Lloyd Garrison, of Boston enclosing a request signed by Peter Still - his mark - that I would send to you two hundred dollars that interesting man left in my hand, being money which he had collected towards the sum demanded for the liberty of his wife and children. Please find enclosed a draft for $200 on New York, made payable to your order - and I will thank you to acknowledge the receipt of it. --
Please give my kindest regards to Peter Still and assure him that I shall hold myself in readiness at any time to [fulfill] my written promise to him --
And moreover let him know
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that I have some hope of getting the price demanded for the family reduced somewhat - perhaps to $4000 - I cannot promise that it will be done - but Providence has unexpectedly offered a door for some approach to the slaveholder’s heart --
Yours Respectfully
Samuel J. May