Pickard, Kate E.R., letter, Camillus, [N.Y.], April 24, 1854, to "Uncle Peter" [Peter Still]


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Apr. 24th 1854

Dear Uncle Peter

Your letter of the 20th has just come - I am very glad to hear from you but deeply grieved at the news of your disappointment. I have been dreading that very answer for several months, for slaves have been so high as to furnish a base man just the excuse he would like. "Wait on the Lord," is now your duty. Trust in Him, who is able to destroy the counsels of the wicked. O how I wish I could help you! But I can only commend you to the tender mercies of the Heavenly Father in whose sight the poor and humble are never disregarded. May he have compassion on you and grant you that blessed boon - the society of your own family.

You will be surprised when I tell you that sister Julia is married. Her husband Mr LeGrand Marvin of Buffalo is a very excellent man, though a good many years older than she is. She had never seen him when you were here. They met in travelling last fall and were married in December. She has made us one short visit since but

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I have seen her in her new home. Mr Marvin is a lawyer a man of piety and wealth. Sister Julia visited New York and Philadelphia immediately after her marriage, and if the weather had not been so bad would have gone to Boston. In that case she would have tried to find you, as we supposed you were at that time in Boston.

My mother is with me now. She is going west in a few weeks to visit sister Julia and several other friends. My little Willie has been quite well the most of the time since you were here, but he is now suffering from a violent cold. Mr. Pickard's health is still quite poor.

We have often thought and talked about you during the past winter. We hoped you would find it in your way to make us another call. We could have got up a meeting and helped you a little if you could have been here in the winter - it was the worst time in the year when you were here last summer - I mean the worst to get people's time or attention off the from their business.

The Father above has been very kind to you so far dear Uncle Peter and he will not forsake you now. He has given you health and energy and has disposed the hearts of many kind

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people to aid you and I trust in him for the future. I trust that he will so overrule the designs of the wicked oppressors as to gladden your poor tried and troubled heart. Pray to him - tell him all your desires and all your sorrows, and believe his word, that he will hear the prayer of the humble. We cannot see the end, but he has seen it from the beginning. He is suffering the wicked to triumph for a little while, but his word declares that He will overthrow them forever, and bring all their evil works upon their own heads. May Hais grace sustain you - his love is warmer and purer than that of wife or son or daughter, and no power on earth can separate you from him.

Write to me often and tell me what you are doing and what are your plans.

Mr Pickard and Mother send their kindest regards, and Willie sends a kiss to Uncle Peter. Willie is a little chatterbox though he does not speak very plainly.

Sister Julia would be very glad to hear from you, and would I presume have written to you if she had known certainly where you were If you should wish to write to her, direct to Mrs. LeGrand Marvin, Buffalo, N.Y.

Your warm & true friend

Kate E. R. Pickard



Pickard, Kate E.R., letter, Camillus, [N.Y.], April 24, 1854, to "Uncle Peter" [Peter Still]


Kate Pickard acknowledges the receipt of Peter Still’s letter; consoles Still regarding news that he has received relating to the price for freeing his enslaved family; relays family news (e.g., of her sister Julia's marriage to Mr. LeGrand Marvin, a lawyer of Buffalo, N.Y.); regrets that his summer fundraising visit to her area the previous year was not as successful as it might have been, had it occurred in the winter; and counsels Still to trust in the Lord.


Special Collections and University Archives, Rutgers University Libraries




public domain


3 p.




Pickard, Kate E. R., “Pickard, Kate E.R., letter, Camillus, [N.Y.], April 24, 1854, to "Uncle Peter" [Peter Still],” Peter Still Digital Edition, accessed July 27, 2024, https://stillpapers.org/items/show/30.

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