Pickard, Kate E.R., letter, Buffalo, [N.Y.], June 24, 1855, to "Uncle Peter" [Peter Still]


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June 24th 1855

Dear Uncle Peter

Why have you not written me how you are prospering all this long time? I have not heard a word from you, except that your brother William said in his letter that you and your family were well. I would like to know where you are and what you are doing, and how my dear Aunt Vina gets along. By the way, Uncle Peter, I think from your brother's letter that you did not understand my object in asking the questions which he refuses to answer. I had no intention of publishing any thing that could in any way injure your mother's family. I merely wished to know the facts that I might have an idea in my own mind of the circumstances & characteristics of your parents so th and so be able to make the description of them more interesting than I can do with so few facts before me. Then I thought that those questions might elicit from your mother some little circumstances, trifling in themselves

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that would so manifest the affection or energy of your parents as be worthy of a place in the "Narrative." while they I am sorry your friends have so little confidence in me as to suppose that I would by any means risk their safety or happiness.

I came here about two weeks ago, for the sake of being free from household cares so that I might spend all my time in writing. I have at last succeeded in getting a good girl – that you will be glad to know. My mother is ta keeping house for me in my absence, and I have Willie with me here.

Our family are all in usual health – I have just received a letter from home mailed 22nd. Mr Pickard is not yet well, though he is rather more comfortable than he was when you were at our house.

Grandpa and grandma are very well this summer, and tell Aunt Vina Mrs. Lyon and that dear little Mary are doing first rate.

Sister Julia is very pleasantly situated and enjoys house keeping exceedingly. I think you would enjoy seeing visiting her now, and I know she would like to see you. I saw a friend of yours here a day or two

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since, a Mrs. Williams that took a deep interest in your cause when you visited Buffalo. She inquired kindly of your welfare and that of your family, and expressed great anxiety on the subject of getting Peter's child. Have you heard any thing from the little boy? Do you intend to try to get it this summer? I do hope that little fellow may be rescued from a life of slavery.

I shall probably remain here three or four weeks longer unless something unexpected should occur to call me home. But if you write to me, and I hope you will, direct to Camillus – Mr. Pickard is writing to me every two or three days & he will forward the letter. I want very much to hear from you.

Give very much love from me to that good Aunt Vina, and tell her that not one of our family has forgot to love her. Take good care of her Uncle Peter, and also of yourself. I hope your children are all thriving. Tell them they must remember that their friends expect great things of them. They are anxious that they should show the world that freedom is better than slavery.

Your true friend

Kate E. R. Pickard



Pickard, Kate E.R., letter, Buffalo, [N.Y.], June 24, 1855, to "Uncle Peter" [Peter Still]


Kate Pickard notes that she has not heard from Peter Still for some time and that she would like to; states that, per his brother’s letter, questions regarding Still’s parents were apparently misunderstood (as she “had no intention of publishing anything that could in any way injure [his] mother’s family”); indicates that she is busy writing while in Buffalo; relates that her family is reasonably well; hopes that Still’s grandchild can be freed from slavery; and also hopes that Still’s children are doing well, entreating him to “Tell them they must remember that their friends expect great things of them . . . that they should show the world that freedom is better than slavery.”


Special Collections and University Archives, Rutgers University Libraries




public domain


3 p.




Pickard, Kate E. R., “Pickard, Kate E.R., letter, Buffalo, [N.Y.], June 24, 1855, to "Uncle Peter" [Peter Still],” Peter Still Digital Edition, accessed July 27, 2024, https://stillpapers.org/items/show/43.

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